"Cast Of Characters" new figurative sculpture series

Benched 6" x 5" x 5" polymer clay and acrylic

Pamela Hill Enticknap

Born in Concord, Massachusetts, Pamela attended Massachusetts College of Art and obtained a BA in Art with high honors from Rutgers University in 1978.

Currently dedicated to the fine arts, she is primarily known for her figurative paintings in oil on canvas and her drawings in charcoal and oil on paper. She returned to fine art after 17 years as owner and Creative Director of Rivermead Studio in the Princeton, NJ area where she was the recipient of numerous national and regional awards for design and illustration.

Upon arriving in California in the 1998 she returned to the studio and painting full time.

Her paintings and drawings have been exhibited nationally in Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, Oregon, Washington DC, Arizona, New Jersey, and throughout California. She is in the collections of the Bakersfield Museum of Art, Montclair Museum, Newark Public Library, Xerces Society as well as numerous private collections.